Talent Spotlight PROGRAM

Ready to interview?

Sign up to join the Shift talent network and the chance to be introduced to our hiring partners. Compete to be featured as top talent for either full-time roles or Skillbridge internships.

See how it works and join the Shift talent network

A streamlined process for interview-ready veterans who are actively seeking new opportunities.
1. Create profile
Share professional experience, your unique preferences, and future goals
2. Submit Application
Shift will review your application and may highlight you to employers seeking candidates like you
3. Get introduced
If highlighted, employers may reach out to you directly

Still active duty? No problem.

  • Explore:Shift offers DoD SkillBridge internships to active duty servicemembers.
  • Apply:Applications and internships can be done up to 12 months before you separate from the service.
  • Get featured:Our goal is to connect you to a valuable internship experience.
  • Level up:Successful internships frequently end in full-time roles.

Explore Shift’s Featured Partners

Our list of partners is always growing and subject to the specific, evolving needs of each company. See below for a select list of Shift’s most active hiring partners. This list is not exhaustive.

Common Questions

Still have questions about Talent Spotlight? See more FAQs here.